Integrated Catchment Management Policy Context
Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994
The Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994, is the legislation that promotes and enables integrated catchment management across Victoria. This includes the establishment of catchment management regions, catchment management authorities and the requirement for Regional Catchment Strategies.
Our Catchments Our Communities
The Our Catchments Our Communities Strategic Directions Statement, is the Victorian Government’s policy statement for catchment stewardship. It builds on the first state-wide strategy for integrated catchment management. It focuses on coordinated regional strategy and planning, improved partnerships and the delivery of better catchment stewardship through improved leadership, agency and community capacity and the demonstration of effective action.
It supports catchment stewardship through the development of regional catchment strategies; on-ground place-based projects which deliver environmental, cultural, social, and economic outcomes; enhanced catchment partnerships; and aligning with Traditional Owners aspirations for Country.
The concept of catchment stewardship is central to Our Catchments Our Communities. Catchment Stewardship is defined as the management of land, water and biodiversity across the catchment that provides additional public benefit (environmental, economic, cultural and social value), going beyond basic duty of care through best practice management.
Catchment stewards are people who leave natural resources in a better condition than their current state. Good stewardship uses strong private and public sector, Traditional Owner, and community partnerships to plan, coordinate and deliver valuable action on the ground.