This Strategy

This is the first time the West Gippsland Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS) has been presented as a website. This section provides an overview of the Strategy Development, Policy Context, Partners and Monitoring and Evaluation Processes.

The Strategy on a page provides a summary of the RCS. You can find more detail on the elements of the RCS on the Themes and Local Areas pages.

What is included in the Regional Catchment Strategy?

The RCS works exclusively at a strategic level and it:

  • Sets strategic direction and identifies strategic actions
  • Provides direction for the future development of sub-strategies and action plans
  • Sets broad priorities with principles and directions for implementation
  • Describes regional outcomes aligned to themes and a statewide RCS outcomes framework
  • Sets priorities for ‘landscape scale’ programs of management
  • Coordinates planning, partnerships and delivery at the regional level for better catchment stewardship, and
  • Establishes the principles for monitoring and evaluating its effectiveness.

What is not included in the Regional Catchment Strategy?

The RCS does not aim to provide detailed information at the level that could be expected in action plans. The document raises issues that require discussion within the region to further inform our strategic thinking and develops landscape level priorities that will guide management action in coming years.

Regional Outcomes

The regional outcomes are described in detail in each of the Themes. Below are two downloadable documents that provide an overview of the regional outcomes.

The RCS Outcomes Hierarchy provides an overview of the medium and long term outcomes for each RCS Theme in a single document.

The Local Area Matrix shows how the medium term outcomes apply at the local area scale.